ACL Online Therapy for natural healing
The case reports of ACL natural healing
Patient Information:
17 years old, male, Indian
Mechanism of Injury:
On October 19, 2022, during a soccer match, he twisted his right knee while attempting to tackle an opponent. A snapping sound was heard from his right knee when twisted. The next day, an MRI scan was performed, resulting in the following diagnosis.
Complete Tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) of the Right Knee (the ligament ends separated (Ihara Classification III))

Progress After Injury:
After the injury, knee buckling occurred several times. After wearing a brace, no further knee buckling occurred. Rehabilitation exercises, including full knee extension, were started at a hospital in India. On November 3, an online consultation was started with Jun Matsumoto. The online treatment and at-home Evo-Devo Exercises were continued for 5 months, and a second MRI scan was performed on March 31, 2023.

MRI Results:
The torn ACL had regained its continuity and retained some degree of tension. However, the ligament at about one-third from the femoral attachment remained thin. (Ihara Healing Classification B)
Subsequent Course:
Subsequently, muscle strength training and range of motion recovery exercises were conducted, and he recovered to the point of living a normal daily life without issues. On November 3, 2023, one year after starting treatment, a third MRI scan was performed.

MRI Results:
The results of the third MRI were similar to those of the second one, with the ligament at the tear site remaining thin.
In this case, despite a complete rupture with separation of ligament ends, Evo-Devo Exercises allowed the continuity of the ACL to be restored, achieving natural healing. However, the healed form showed remaining thinning of the ligament, which raises concerns about the patient’s return to sports. Many doctors instruct early rehabilitation, including full knee extension, after ACL injury. In this case as well, the patient had started incorrect rehabilitation early. It is thought that the presence or absence of full knee extension exercises after injury can affect treatment outcomes, and we will continue to collect statistical data on treatment outcomes.
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