Natural Healing of an ACL tear – Healed Case 29


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

The case reports of ACL natural healing

Patient Information:

Japanese female, 41 years old. On July 5th, 2022, she experienced a sensation of her right knee dislocating while exerting force on her right leg during a basketball game, rendering her immobile. Although she was able to walk later, she visited a hospital two days after the incident. No joint fluid was aspirated during the examination. An MRI scan was performed on July 12th, revealing the following diagnosis:

Complete right Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear (proximal 1/3)
No meniscal damage.

According to the Ihara’s ACL tear classification of ACL injuries, it was classified as a type 2, which is the torn and disrupted type. After the injury, no giving way of the knee was reported. She did not undergo any physiotherapy involving knee extension post-injury. She had a history of a left Achilles tendon rupture surgery 13 years prior.

Starting July 28th, she initiated online therapy with Jun Matsumoto and continued Evo-Devo Exercises for five months. On December 12th, 2022, a second MRI scan was performed.

MRI indicates:

The evaluation of the MRI images indicated that the ruptured anterior cruciate ligament had restored continuity and healed naturally. According to Ihara’s ACL healing classification, it was classified as grade 3, which is thinned healed fiber.

Future Prospects and Considerations:

Having confirmed natural healing through MRI, she initiated full knee extension training and strength training. By the six-month mark post-injury, she had recovered to a level where she faced no issues in daily life. She is currently undergoing further rehabilitation with the aim of returning to recreational-level sports.


Spontaneous Healing of a Complete ACL Tear – Case 25


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

44 years old, Male, Japanese
On April 9th,2022, he was practicing Judo and trying to throw the opponent. Then, his left knee was twisted internally, and he collopsed down to the ground. He went to the hospital, and Lackman’s test was positive. When he turned the direction, he had gaving way syndrome. He took the MRI on April 19th, and the diagnosis was:

Complete ACL tear
MCL tear

He didn’t want to have a surgery, and he was searching the alternative treatment. He found the Natural Healing Therapy by Jun Matsumoto, and he started the online therapy with him from May 24th, 2022. He had the weekly sessions with Jun and continued doing the Evo-Devo Exercises for five momths. He took the second MRI on October 18th.

The MRI indicates:

The MRI shows the continuity of the ACL. His doctor diagnosed this case as the spontaneous healing of the ACL tear. There was still some signal intensity on the MCL.

Future prospects and considerations:

Jun Matsumoto allowed him to start doing more intense exercises such as squatting and lunge. On November 17th, he got drunk and twisted the left knee again. he says that it wasn’t a serious inury though. Let’s see and follow his prognosis from now on.


Spontaneous Healing of a Complete ACL Tear in children -case 15


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

12 years old, male, Indian
On September 20th, 2021, during leg curl strength test due to carelessness of the doctor, his right knee got injured. Mri report indicates:

complete tear of the proximal segment bundle of the acl. Grade 3 sprain is also seen involving proximal segment and femoral attachment with increased signal. Tbl attachments /pcl are intact. Intact collaterals, posteromedial and posterolateral corners, menisci.

On October 22nd,2021, he started the online therapy for the natural healing of the ACL tear with Jun Matsumoto. He continued doing the Evo-Devo Exercises for four months, and he took the next MRIs on March 2nd,2022.

The MRI report indicates:

Proximal segment of the anterior cruciate ligament appears vertically oriented
flush with the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle and shows iso to
slightly hyperintense signal on both T1 and T2-weighted images. Intact tibial
attachments of both anteromedial and posterolateral bundles.

Although some tissues of the torn ACL are growing intact to the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle, the proximal femoral attachment is intact. Spontaneous healing of the torn ACL is occuring on the new MRI, and Jun Matsumoto permitted him to start doing more intense exercises so that he could retrun to playing the tennis.

He is the youngest patient who spontaneously healed from the ACL tear by Evo-Devo Exercises. In most cases, the surgeries for patients in chilhood are avoided because of the risk of imparing their bone growth. There has not been any appropriate medication for juvenile patients with ACL tears. The Evo-Devo Exercises can be the hope for the patients in childhood, and more successful cases can be accumulated and studied.


Ihara H, Miwa M, Deya K, Torisu K. MRI of anterior cruciate ligament healing. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1996 Mar-Apr;20(2):317-21. doi
Pitsillides A, Stasinopoulos D, Giannakou K. Healing potential of the anterior cruciate ligament in terms of fiber continuity after a complete rupture: A systematic review. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Oct;28:246-254. doi

Natural Healing, Re-rupture,and PRP Trial Story – case 10


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

16-year old, Male, Japanese
On March 21st, 2021, he twisted his left knee by his own movement during playing the handball. Next day, he was taken to the hospital, and his left knee was scanned for the MRI. The diagnosis was:

ACL complete tear
Medial meniscus tear

He visited Jun Matsumoto`s Natural Therapy Office, and started the evo-devo exercises for the natural healing of the ACL tear. He has visited there once a week for 4 months and has continued the exercises every day at home. He took the MRI at the different hospital on September 4th, and it was found that the torn ACL was healing naturally. Jun Matsumoto permitted him to do jogging and start the more intense exercises. In next 3 months, he will return to playing the handball in athletic level.

The torn ACL grows intact.

When he was running on September 28th, he twisted my left knee again. On the same day, he underwent an MRI scan at the hospital and was diagnosed with anterior cruciate ligament rupture. After several days of rest, he resumed spontaneous healing of the re-ruptured anterior cruciate ligament.

Evo-Devo Exercise was performed for another 3 months, and MRI imaging was taken again.

The continuity of the anterior cruciate ligament, as confirmed by MRI on September 4, 2021, could not be clearly confirmed. It was confirmed that the tibial stump of the anterior cruciate ligament adhered to the posterior cruciate ligament. The patient had no symptoms such as knee collapse and was functionally recovering satisfactorily, so he agreed to continue conservative therapy. The exercise intensity was gradually increased, and MRI imaging was performed again on March 5, two months later.

Unfortunately, the continuity of the anterior cruciate ligament was not confirmed this time either. In the future, he agreed to further increase his exercise intensity and observe the progress while aiming to return to the competition.


Although he healed naturally once from his anterior cruciate ligament rupture, he suffered a re-rupture and his spontaneous healing of the re-rupture was unsuccessful. The cause of his re-rupture cannot be clearly pointed out, but there were two points of concern. One was that the start of spontaneous healing therapy was late, 7 weeks after the injury. During that period, the range of motion was restricted by the orthotic device and supporters, so that the flexion restriction remained even during the period from the start of treatment to the spontaneous healing.

The second is that the MRI, which confirmed the spontaneous healing on September 4, did not indicate a beautiful natural healing yet, and that it was a deformed healing that seems to have adhered to the posterior cruciate ligament. My personal impression is that ligament adhesions may have occurred in an environment with limited range of motion during the 7 weeks leading up to the start of treatment. Even if the anterior cruciate ligament rupture heals spontaneously, there is a possibility of re-rupture after that, and how to prevent it is a future proposition.

PRP Injection trials

After the failure of the natural healing from the re-rupture of the healed ACL, he tried the first PRP injections in September 2022 to expect the natural healing again. Totally, he tried the injections four times. The function of his knee was recovering well, and he was practicing Handball in intense level. He attended the official game without having any problem. Moreover, Lackman’s test during that time was negative. He took the next MRI on Jan.16th, 2023.

MRI findings and Considerations:

Even though he tried the four-times PRP injections, expected natural healing did not succeed well. However, it looks that the scar tissues were enhanced to stabilize the knee joint. The remnants of the tprn ACL were adhering to the PCL more tightly.

ACL Tear heals without surgery – case 7


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information

17 years old, male, American
On October 23rd,2020, he injured his left knee during playing basketball. The MRI pictures were taken on October 29, and the diagnosis was:

complete tear of ACL

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from November 20, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 4 months. He took the second MRI on April 11, 2021 at the same hospital, and the diagnosis was:

complete tear of the posterior bundle of ACL.
anterior bundle of ACL is intact.

The complete tear of whole ACL became as the partial tear in 5 months, even though the doctor never admitted the natural healing of torn ACL. He implied that the first diagnosis might be a misdiagnosis. The following is the second MRI, and I confirmed that the natural healing has been going on.

MRI indicates:

After having continued the Evo-Devo exercises with Jun Matsumoto for 4 months, the complete range of motion of the left knee was recovered, he could have the normal daily activity without pain. Now, he is still working out to return to play basketball.


前十字靭帯完全断裂の自然治癒 症例報告 ケース4 ACL tear case 4


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery



日本人 男性 28歳
職業 空手家


受傷後8ヶ月 8 months after the injury

Patient information

Japanese, 28 year old, male, Kyokushin Karate Athlete
He ruptured his left anterior cruciate ligament during a karate competition in June, 2019. He wished his recovery without a surgery, and he found the Naturalization therapy. He first visited me in August. His left knee had some restriction of its range of motion, and also had some instability in the joint. He started the Naturalization therapy, and I told him to do the exercises specialized for healing ACL for 1-2 hours every day. He has been continuing the exercises for three months. The MRI pictures above show that the torn ACL started to heal gradually. According to his report, he started practicing Karate, and he doesn’t have any pain or complication for doing it. I permitted him to increase the intensity of Karate practice. We still continue to see the further healing and improvements at least for another 6 months.

The last MRI picture above was taken 8 months after the injury, and it shows almost complete healing of the torn ACL. On the functional meaning, he has practiced Karate with competitive intensity for 3 months without any complication.
On this day, I permitted him to attend a competition.


前十字靭帯完全断裂の自然治癒 症例報告 ケース3 Natural Healing of ACL tear – case 3


ACL Online Therapy


インド系マレーシア人 41歳 男性








Patient information

Born in India and working in Malaysia, Male, 41 year old

He ruptured his right ACL completely in December,2018. He started the Naturalization Therapy from the one month after the injury. We had the internet sessions through the Skype once in every 2 weeks for  the first 3 months and once in 1 month from the 4 months. At first, there were the difficulties for the anatomical healing, because it was the severe and complete ACL tear  which had torn in the unusual way. Moreover, it was late that he started my therapy because the acute period was almost passing. Contrary to my expectations, the MRI shows that his completely torn ACL has healed clearly and anatomically. The Naturalization Therapy enables the ACL tear to heal naturally without any complication. As long as the blood supply and the anatomic reduction are secured, the natural healing process will work even on the ACL.

Spontaneous healing of ACL tear – case 1

ACL Online Therapy

It has been considered that healing abilities of ACL is very poor, and actually ruptured ACL barely heal spontaneously. This is a report of a case that a tear of ACL is healing spontaneously by Naturalization Therapy. This therapy is generated from a philosophy that humans’ natural motions are learned in 0-year old age. So, if we lost the function of the knee, we should retrieve it from a beginning.

History of the injury:

  • 34 year old, male
  • Twisted his right knee in skiing

MRI of 3 days after the accident


MRI of 3 month after the accident


MRI of 7 months after the accident


Movie of the physical assessment 7 months after the accident.

MRI indicates:

The ruptured ACL is healing spontaneously, and his physical condition 7 months after the accident is almost normal. He can move and have a daily life without any pain and any disorder. Amazingly, there is no joint laxity in the affected knee. This healing process is still continuing, and I estimate that the process will continue at least for a year. Before deciding an ACL surgery, I strongly suggest you to try a Naturalization Therapy as a primary option.


Contact: Jun Matsumoto, Jun Matsumoto Natural Therapy Office