Spontaneous Healing of a Complete ACL Tear in children -case 15


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

12 years old, male, Indian
On September 20th, 2021, during leg curl strength test due to carelessness of the doctor, his right knee got injured. Mri report indicates:

complete tear of the proximal segment bundle of the acl. Grade 3 sprain is also seen involving proximal segment and femoral attachment with increased signal. Tbl attachments /pcl are intact. Intact collaterals, posteromedial and posterolateral corners, menisci.

On October 22nd,2021, he started the online therapy for the natural healing of the ACL tear with Jun Matsumoto. He continued doing the Evo-Devo Exercises for four months, and he took the next MRIs on March 2nd,2022.

The MRI report indicates:

Proximal segment of the anterior cruciate ligament appears vertically oriented
flush with the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle and shows iso to
slightly hyperintense signal on both T1 and T2-weighted images. Intact tibial
attachments of both anteromedial and posterolateral bundles.

Although some tissues of the torn ACL are growing intact to the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle, the proximal femoral attachment is intact. Spontaneous healing of the torn ACL is occuring on the new MRI, and Jun Matsumoto permitted him to start doing more intense exercises so that he could retrun to playing the tennis.

He is the youngest patient who spontaneously healed from the ACL tear by Evo-Devo Exercises. In most cases, the surgeries for patients in chilhood are avoided because of the risk of imparing their bone growth. There has not been any appropriate medication for juvenile patients with ACL tears. The Evo-Devo Exercises can be the hope for the patients in childhood, and more successful cases can be accumulated and studied.


Ihara H, Miwa M, Deya K, Torisu K. MRI of anterior cruciate ligament healing. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1996 Mar-Apr;20(2):317-21. doi
Pitsillides A, Stasinopoulos D, Giannakou K. Healing potential of the anterior cruciate ligament in terms of fiber continuity after a complete rupture: A systematic review. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Oct;28:246-254. doi

ACL Tear No Surgery -case 14


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

22 years old, male, Japanese
On August 21, 2021, while practicing soccer, he was about to collide with an ally and twisted his left knee when he stepped on with one of his left feet. He underwent a (non-contact) orthopedics and underwent an MRI scan on August 25, and was diagnosed with anterior cruciate ligament rupture.

From October 2, 2021, he started the natural healing therapy with Jun Matsumoto. After continuing exercise therapy based on evolutionary developmental biology called Evo-Devo Exercises for 4 months, a new MRI image was taken.

MRI indicates:

The continuity of the torn anterior cruciate ligament was confirmed, and it was also confirmed that it healed spontaneously. Jun gave him the permission for jogging and strength training and said he could return to sports as soon as he was in good condition.


Spontaneous Healing of a Complete ACL Rupture -case 13


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

21-year old, male, college rugby player, Japanese
On Myay 12th, 2021, when he wa playing rugby, he twisted his right knee on his own. He went to the hospital, and his knee was scanned for the MRI. The diagnosis was the ACL complete rupture.

Complete rupture of the ACL

On May 15th, he started the therapy for the natural healing of the ACL tear through the online session with Jun Matsumoto. He continued doing the Evo-Devo Exercises for four months, and he took the next MRIs on September 22nd.

spontaneous healing was confirmed

MRI indicates:

The MRI picture shows that the ACL is anatomically intact and the ruptured ACL healed naturally. He is functionally moving well, and Jun Matsumoto permitted him to increase the intensity of the exercises. After completed the athletic rehabilitation for three months, on December 26th, he came back the game in the national college championship, and made a nice try.


ACL tears heal without surgery-case 12


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

46-year old, Female, Japanese
On August 30, 2021, when she was practicing Jujutsu martial arts, she twisted her left knee. She went to the hospital, and her knee was scanned for the MRI. The diagnosis was:
ACL complete tear

On September 20th she started the therapy for the natural healing of the ACL tear through the online session with Jun Matsumoto. She continued to do the Evo-Devo Exercises for three months, and she took the next MRIs on December 21st.

MRI indicates:

The MRI picture shows that the ACL is anatomically intact and the torn ACL healed naturally. She is functionally moving well, and Jun Matsumoto permitted her to increase the intensity of the activities.


Natural Healing of ACL tear – case 6


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

43 year old, male, Italian, living in Italy
On January 10, 2020, he got injured his right knee during playing football.
The MRI pictures were taken on February 27, and the diagnosis was:

Partial tear of ACL
Mild edematous imbibition of the lateral collateral ligament

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from April 30, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 4 months. It was assumed that the natural healing could not be expected because it had already passed more than three months from the injury. He took the second MRI on September 11th,2020, but at this time, it could not be found that the natural healing was clearly happening, even though he already recovered almost the normal function of the right knee.

He took the third MRI on March 15, 2021. Those show the natural healing of the torn ACL, even though it is not the normal natural healing. It is assumed that some tissue of the torn ACL have been connected to the original position and the other tissue have been connected to the PCL. These kinds of abnormal healing process(connecting to the PCL) have been reported in some research paper. The natural healing of the torn ACL can happen in normal or abnormal way in order to recover its stability. This is the first report of the patient who started the natural therapy for the torn ACL after more than three months from the injury.


Can an ACL Tear Heal without Surgery? – case 5


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

38 year old, male, Brazilian, living in Germany
On August 12, 2020, he got injured his left knee during playing the squash. The MRI pictures were taken on August 17, and the diagnosis was:

Complete ACL tear
Complete MCL tear
Lateral meniscus tear(radial tear of posterior horn)

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from September 1, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab. exercises for 4 months.

MRI indicates:

After 5 months from his injury, he took the new MRI pictures, and those show that the torn ACL was healing naturally. At this time, he can already have the normal daily activities, and he still continues the rehab. exercises to return to sports.


前十字靭帯完全断裂の自然治癒 症例報告 ケース4 ACL tear case 4


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery



日本人 男性 28歳
職業 空手家


受傷後8ヶ月 8 months after the injury

Patient information

Japanese, 28 year old, male, Kyokushin Karate Athlete
He ruptured his left anterior cruciate ligament during a karate competition in June, 2019. He wished his recovery without a surgery, and he found the Naturalization therapy. He first visited me in August. His left knee had some restriction of its range of motion, and also had some instability in the joint. He started the Naturalization therapy, and I told him to do the exercises specialized for healing ACL for 1-2 hours every day. He has been continuing the exercises for three months. The MRI pictures above show that the torn ACL started to heal gradually. According to his report, he started practicing Karate, and he doesn’t have any pain or complication for doing it. I permitted him to increase the intensity of Karate practice. We still continue to see the further healing and improvements at least for another 6 months.

The last MRI picture above was taken 8 months after the injury, and it shows almost complete healing of the torn ACL. On the functional meaning, he has practiced Karate with competitive intensity for 3 months without any complication.
On this day, I permitted him to attend a competition.


La teoria di rigenerazione della L.C.A rottura.


La mezza genicular arteria nutrisce il legamento crociato anteriore. Dop una rottura del L.C.A. il flusso alla questa arteria tende limitato da la contrattura del rectus femoris. I questi acupunti HE DING e SP10 abilitano a rifluire alla arteria. Il questo metodo e il pronto soccorso importante per rigenerare L.C.A..


L’origine del articolazione dell’anca ha evoluto dal’amfibio. Anteroversion di 90 gradi del femur e la forma essenziale per l’evoluzioni dei vertebrati. Dunque la posizione rotata esteriormente non e esteriore ma la posizione mezza dell’anca. I mammiferi si hanno rotato le sue anche interiormente.I ginocchi dell’amfibio non sono torti. C’e il suggerimento di come una L.C.A rottura si ricupea naturalmente. I ginocchi dei umani tendono torti che invitano tante rotture.


La ragione di che l’infanti fanno a striciare e gattonare e che ripetono le historie delle creature. La mancanza della replica non mai sostituisce con l’altri esercizi. Dobbiamo rifare l’esercizi infanti per vivere naturalmente.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14gWirURq6I&w=560&h=315]


Facebook sito: https://www.facebook.com/events/2301552043507637/

Contatto: ivanivankov@yahoo.co.jp

前十字靭帯完全断裂の自然治癒 症例報告 ケース3 Natural Healing of ACL tear – case 3


ACL Online Therapy


インド系マレーシア人 41歳 男性








Patient information

Born in India and working in Malaysia, Male, 41 year old

He ruptured his right ACL completely in December,2018. He started the Naturalization Therapy from the one month after the injury. We had the internet sessions through the Skype once in every 2 weeks for  the first 3 months and once in 1 month from the 4 months. At first, there were the difficulties for the anatomical healing, because it was the severe and complete ACL tear  which had torn in the unusual way. Moreover, it was late that he started my therapy because the acute period was almost passing. Contrary to my expectations, the MRI shows that his completely torn ACL has healed clearly and anatomically. The Naturalization Therapy enables the ACL tear to heal naturally without any complication. As long as the blood supply and the anatomic reduction are secured, the natural healing process will work even on the ACL.

Rigenerazione del legamento crociato anteriore

Come stai?

Mi chiamo Jun Matsumoto.

Sono la terapista della medicina orientale in Giappone.

Oggi raccontero come puo guarire naturalmente dell legamento crociato anteriore.

È difficile che ACL guarisca naturalmente e la maggior parte dei medici suggerisce un intervento chirurgico.

Sfortunatamente, ci sono complicazioni successive dopo l’intervento. Come l’infezione e l’adesione della pelle.

Molti pazienti non riescono a recuperare le loro capacità fisiche massime che loro avevano.

I risultati degli interventi chirurgici per LCA non sono abbastanza soddisfacenti.

Vi suggerisco di scegliere una nuova opzione. Questa è una terapia naturale che ho inventato.

Ma ci sono due tipi di difficoltà per lasciare che LCA guarisca naturalmente.

Il primo è che è difficile stabilizzare il legamento.

Il secondo è che l’apporto di sangue intorno a LCA è scarso.

I legamenti nel corpo umano guariscono in modo naturale se la stabibiizzazione e il flusso sanguigno sono saturi.

Ad esempio, i legamenti collaterali del ginocchio sono facili da curare in modo naturale perché la stabbiizzazione
e l’apporto di sangue sono abbastanza saturi.

Se riusciamo a superare questi due tipi di difficoltà, lo stesso processo di guarire si verificherà anche in LCA.

Ho trovato alcuni punti di energia per massimizzare il flusso di sangue intorno LCA, e io uso quei punti energetici nella mia terapia.

Dopo la terapia, la gamma di movimento del ginocchio si ricupera rapidamente fino al 90% del massimo.

Ma c’è il secondo problema che è come stabilizzare il legamento.

La chiave è stabilizzare il legamento facendo i movimenti naturali.

Non uso alcun cast o rinforzo per la stabilizzazione, ma movimenti naturali che io chiamo Naturalizzazione.

Facendo i movimenti naturali, i legamenti separati si chiudono e tengono in contatto con altri.

Quindi, il movimento naurale è la migliore parentesi funzionale per LCA.

Nella mia terapia, ci vogliono tre mesi affinché LCA inizi a connettersi l’un l’altro.

Devi continuare i miei esercizi almeno tre mesi ogni giorno.

Ti suggerisco di avere la mia terapia in due settimane dopo l’infortunio.

Dopo un mese passato dopo l’infortunio, diventa difficile guarire anatomicamente.

Ma guarisce funzionalmente senza problemi anche se inizi la mia terapia dopo più di un mese.

Il modo migliore per avere la mia terapia è che tu venga nel mio ufficio in Giappone.

Se è impossibile, possiamo avere le sessioni attraverso Internet.

Sto aspettando il tuo contatto con me.

Buona giornata.