Online Therapy for Natural Healing of ACL Tears

Join our Facebook group ACL Natural Healing/Regeneration without surgery.

One Thing You Shouldn’t Do Just After ACL Tear
ACL Tear Treatment without surgery – Step 1

Reports of Natural Healing of ACL tears

Who can heal naturally from the ACL tear ?

  • Within Two months from the injury
  • Continue the Evo-Devo Exercises more than Three months.

If more than two months have passed, it becomes more difficult to heal naturally.

How can you heal from the ACL tear?

Try the Online Session so that we can help you to continue the exercises until you recover satisfactorily. It will take 6 months until you heal sufficiently. This is a preferable schedule of  the online sessions for the natural healing of ACL tear.

How many sessions are you supposed to have?

1st-2nd month: 4 sessions per a month
3rd-4th month: 2 sessions per a month
5th-6th month: 1 session per a month

You need to have 10-15 sessions for 6 months for your natural healing.
The first session is about 60 minutes. From the second session onwards, each session is about 30 minutes.

The fee for the first session(60min.) is 100 USD.
The each subsequent(30min.) is 50 USD.
The total amount for 6 months is around 400-600 USD.

If your injury is old and it has passed more than 3 months

You can expect the functional recovery from old injury or complications from operation, you usually need less than 10 sessions. 

It is also preferable that you send me the MRI of your knee before we start the online therapy.  Please send me your information by email, and we can start the sessions through Skype.  I hope that all of you heal naturally and have a happy life.

We are sorry that we can’t offer the free sessions. Thanks for your undrestandings.

Jun Matsumoto

If you have the MRI data(DICOM files), please send it or share it with this email address below.


You can choose Stripe, PayPal, or wire transfer to the US Bank account below.
swift code: USBKUS44XXX
routine number: 122235821
account number: 258300010539





Purchase agreement:

Purchased tickets are non-refundable once used.

Booking the Online Sessions
(Please complete the payment before booking.)


Ihara H, Miwa M, Deya K, Torisu K. MRI of anterior cruciate ligament healing. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1996 Mar-Apr;20(2):317-21. doi
Pitsillides A, Stasinopoulos D, Giannakou K. Healing potential of the anterior cruciate ligament in terms of fiber continuity after a complete rupture: A systematic review. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Oct;28:246-254. doi