Degenerative Healing of an ACL Tear – Case 5

ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

The case reports of ACL natural healing

Patient information:

52 years old, Japanese, female

Mechanism of injury:

On November 3, 2022, during a beach ball volleyball game, when she landed on his left foot after an attack, her ipsilateral left knee twisted and she collapsed.

Progress after injury:

After her injury, she received treatment including electrical therapy at another orthopedic clinic. She visited an orthopedic surgeon on November 21st, and X-rays were taken, but no fractures were found. At this time, she had her synovial fluid removed with an arthrocentesis. She had an MRI scan on November 26th, and she received the following diagnosis.

anterior cruciate ligament tear
The torn limb is unclear (Ihara classification IV)

Treatment plan:

She started online treatment with Jun Matsumoto on December 3rd and continued her Evo-Devo Exercise therapy three times daily at her home. She had a second MRI scan 4 months after starting treatment. She still did not wear her functional brace on a daily basis.

Follo-up and Outcomes

Her MRI images showed no clear connection between the stumps of her torn ACL. Her distal ACL stump was connected with the PCL. At this time, her doctor’s evaluation of the Lachman test was negative.

She then performed range of motion exercises and strength training, and her condition recovered to a level where she had no problems in her daily life. She gradually returned to playing beach ball in July of the same year. When she played, she twisted excessively to her left and felt instability in her knee, so she played with tape and a brace on.

On July 30th, while she was playing beach ball, she twisted her left knee again. Her knee was swollen for several days, so she was kept on bed rest.

On October 9th, Jun Matsumoto met with the patient and performed a manual examination. He had a pivot shift test (±) and a Lackman test (-).

On December 9th, her third MRI was performed. Her third MRI image showed no major changes compared to the second, suggesting that its morphology remained fixed as the degenerative healing.


In this case, the patient had been treated and supported for about a year, but the expected results were not obtained. I hypothesized that there were three causes that led to this deformity healing. The first is the removal of blood and edema by arthrocentesis. Second, she did not wear a functional orthosis on a daily basis. Third, the rupture pattern of the ACL was unclear, making it difficult for it to heal naturally. After this case, the later patients were instructed to wear a functional orthosis.



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