Spontaneous Healing of a Complete ACL Rupture -case 13


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

21-year old, male, college rugby player, Japanese
On Myay 12th, 2021, when he wa playing rugby, he twisted his right knee on his own. He went to the hospital, and his knee was scanned for the MRI. The diagnosis was the ACL complete rupture.

Complete rupture of the ACL

On May 15th, he started the therapy for the natural healing of the ACL tear through the online session with Jun Matsumoto. He continued doing the Evo-Devo Exercises for four months, and he took the next MRIs on September 22nd.

spontaneous healing was confirmed

MRI indicates:

The MRI picture shows that the ACL is anatomically intact and the ruptured ACL healed naturally. He is functionally moving well, and Jun Matsumoto permitted him to increase the intensity of the exercises. After completed the athletic rehabilitation for three months, on December 26th, he came back the game in the national college championship, and made a nice try.


ACL Tear heals without surgery – case 9


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

24 year old, male, Japanese
On December 20th, 2020, he injured his right knee during playing basketball. The MRI pictures were taken on December 21, 2020, and the diagnosis was:

Complete tear of ACL

He started the actual therapy with Jun Matsumoto from January 15, 2021 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 4 months. He took the second MRI on May 29, 2021 at the different hospital, and the diagnosis was:

The ACL is intact.

This is the one of the slices of the MRIs taken on May 29,2021.

MRI indicates:

It is very clear that the torn ACL has healed naturally. You don’t have to be a specialist of radiology to see this beautiful natural healing by the picture. After seeing the natural healing of the ACL tear, Jun Matsumoto teaches him to start strengthening the muscles for preparing to return to the sport. He hasn’t been strengthening the muscles until the torn ACL became intact on the MRIs as Jun suggested. He canceled the surgery after seeing the natural healing of the ACL tear by the MRIs.


ACL Tear Treatment without surgery – case 8


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

39 years old, male, American
On 27-9-2020, he injured his right knee during playing basketball. On 8-10-2020, he took the first MRI, and the diagnosis was

Complete ACL tear
LCL tear

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from 17-10-2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 6 months. The following two MRI pictures were taken on 17-04-2021.

MRI indicates:

In my experience, this is the first case of which the torn ACL healed in the abnormal position. The inferior remnant of the torn ACL attached not to the superior remnant but to the lateral wall of the notch or the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle in a position anterior and distal to the ACL anatomic footprint. I will follow up this case up to a year, and I will show here how this torn ACL changes its form finally. After 7 months from the injury, he can have normal daily activities, but still have a little pain on LCL.

Crain EH, Fithian DC, Paxton EW, Luetzow WF. Variation in anterior cruciate ligament scar pattern: does the scar pattern affect anterior laxity in anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees? Arthroscopy. 2005 Jan;21(1):19-24. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2004.09.015. PMID: 15650662.

ACL Tear heals without surgery – case 7


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information

17 years old, male, American
On October 23rd,2020, he injured his left knee during playing basketball. The MRI pictures were taken on October 29, and the diagnosis was:

complete tear of ACL

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from November 20, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 4 months. He took the second MRI on April 11, 2021 at the same hospital, and the diagnosis was:

complete tear of the posterior bundle of ACL.
anterior bundle of ACL is intact.

The complete tear of whole ACL became as the partial tear in 5 months, even though the doctor never admitted the natural healing of torn ACL. He implied that the first diagnosis might be a misdiagnosis. The following is the second MRI, and I confirmed that the natural healing has been going on.

MRI indicates:

After having continued the Evo-Devo exercises with Jun Matsumoto for 4 months, the complete range of motion of the left knee was recovered, he could have the normal daily activity without pain. Now, he is still working out to return to play basketball.


Natural Healing of ACL tear – case 6


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

43 year old, male, Italian, living in Italy
On January 10, 2020, he got injured his right knee during playing football.
The MRI pictures were taken on February 27, and the diagnosis was:

Partial tear of ACL
Mild edematous imbibition of the lateral collateral ligament

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from April 30, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab exercises for 4 months. It was assumed that the natural healing could not be expected because it had already passed more than three months from the injury. He took the second MRI on September 11th,2020, but at this time, it could not be found that the natural healing was clearly happening, even though he already recovered almost the normal function of the right knee.

He took the third MRI on March 15, 2021. Those show the natural healing of the torn ACL, even though it is not the normal natural healing. It is assumed that some tissue of the torn ACL have been connected to the original position and the other tissue have been connected to the PCL. These kinds of abnormal healing process(connecting to the PCL) have been reported in some research paper. The natural healing of the torn ACL can happen in normal or abnormal way in order to recover its stability. This is the first report of the patient who started the natural therapy for the torn ACL after more than three months from the injury.
