Can an ACL Tear Heal without Surgery? – case 5


ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

ACL tears heal without surgery

Patient information:

38 year old, male, Brazilian, living in Germany
On August 12, 2020, he got injured his left knee during playing the squash. The MRI pictures were taken on August 17, and the diagnosis was:

Complete ACL tear
Complete MCL tear
Lateral meniscus tear(radial tear of posterior horn)

He started the Online Therapy with Jun Matsumoto from September 1, 2020 and continued Jun’s special rehab. exercises for 4 months.

MRI indicates:

After 5 months from his injury, he took the new MRI pictures, and those show that the torn ACL was healing naturally. At this time, he can already have the normal daily activities, and he still continues the rehab. exercises to return to sports.


前十字靭帯断裂の自然治癒 症例報告 ケース2 Natural Healing of ACL tear – case 2.






The MRI pictures of ACL tear from 11 days though 3 months. Natural healing is seen here. I permit the patient to start jogging.

ACL Online Therapy



The following is the report of 5 months after the incident .

The MRI of 4 months(left) and 5 months(right) are listed below.


The continuation of the ACL has been strengthened slightly.


The video below shows the assessments of the Lever arm test and the physical abilities.(4 months) In this test, the lift of the foot signs the continuation of the ACL. The video shows the slight lift of the foot.


The same test was executed 5 months after the incident. It shows that the foot was lifted more evidently, which means the healing of the ACL has progressed. He recovered his running ability up to 80 % of his maximum. He plans to return to his athletics in 6 months after the incident. His specialty is track & field.


6 months after the injury,there were no difference in the MRI and the physical assessment compared to the last ones. However,he has trained himself enough during the last month,and he says that his running ability has come back almost to his 100% and decided to return to the T&F race in the next month.