Jaw is the most important part in human’s body, because it is an entrance of air and food. However, as we have been civilized, the function of Jaw joint is deteriorated. Compared to wild animals, humans do not need to utilize the full range of motion of Jaw joint, because foods are small enough to eat. Humans do not have to kill animals by their jaws. The deterioration of Jaw joint inflects the function of spine. Originally, humans used to open the mouths in relation to the spinal movements like wild animals. In natural and healthy body, jaw and spine move together. Many people suffering from spinal pains have a curious character, which is that the range of motion of their Jaw joints are insufficient. My trial, based on this hypothesis, is that they could retrieve natural spinal movements by doing JAW EXERCISE. “Synchronize the movements of Jaw and Spine” My trials are succeeding enough. Many patients recover from spinal pains from JAW EXERCISE. I believe that retrieving natural body is the best medicine ever. That is the philosophy of Naturalization.
Naturalization lessons in March,2018
Information of Naturalization lessons is updated here.
From 0 years old you can join us.
March 18 (Sunday) Yokohama private lessons
Place: Yohohama, Japan, BatuBatu BF1 Http://Hamayoga.Com/
①15: 00-16: 30
②16: 30-18: 00
Participation fee is 20,000 yen for a private 90 min. lesson.(including tax)
Private lessons in Kyoto are accepted at all times.
Jun Matsumoto orthopedic clinic
Kyoto lessons have a different fee system. Please check the site above.
We look forward to your reservation.
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Scapulae as engine.
Dear God,
What decides the level and quality of our motion? Muscles, power, or flexibility? My answer is the Scapulae as engine. Our motions are initiated by scapulae, which spark kinetic chains toward spine and distal extremities. However, scapulae do not work as engine until those are peeled off from thorax. Scapulae are like wings, and so should be isolated from thorax. How do we use scapulae as engine and wings? The answer is installed in DNA, not taught by teachers. Watch the Naturalization exercise “Scapulae Crawling”, and feel how scapulae work.