Natural Healing of an ACL Tear: Case Study of a 30-Year-Old Chinese Businessman

ACL Online Therapy for natural healing

The case reports of ACL natural healing

Patient Information:

30 years old, male, Chinese-Australian

Mechanism of Injury:

On February 19, 2023, he twisted his left knee while skiing. X-ray at the hospital showed no abnormalities. On March 2, MRI was performed, and the following diagnosis was made:

ACL Tear (curved and continuous fiber (Ihara Classification II))

Post-Injury Progression:

After the injury, he wore a brace for only one day and then engaged in rehabilitation, including knee extension exercises. From March 10, he began our online treatment and performed Evo-Devo Exercises three times a day for two months. During this period, all other rehabilitation exercises were strictly prohibited. On May 4, a follow-up MRI was conducted.

MRI Results:

The torn ACL had regained continuity with sufficient thickness (ACLOAS Score 1).


Although the MRI was taken relatively early at the patient’s request—two months into treatment—the ACL’s continuity was sufficiently confirmed. The simple complete tear (Type II) of the ACL may have been a factor in the early healing observed. Despite including knee extension exercises in the rehabilitation, there was no adverse effect on natural healing in this case.



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