2020年3月のレッスン&セミナー情報 Naturalization seminar in March,2020




会場:Rental Studio My lesson 新宿 Cスタジオ  新宿御苑前駅 2番出口 徒歩1分

①10:00-11:30 ②11:30-13:00 ③14:00-15:30

プライベートレッスン 学生以下 2万円、一般 3万円

グループレッスン お一人様 学生以下 1万円、一般2万円






松本じゅん接骨院 075-741-6595 or 090-5659-0341

Naturalization EVO. Seminar will be held in Tokyo,March 22,2020. In this seminar you can learn the essences of Naturalization step by step. Naturalization is the name of the exercises which are based on the evolution and the development of human beings. Many of the musculoskeletal disorders are caused by the lack of  the development movements during 0-year old age. In this seminar, you will learn:

  1. Learn the 0-year old exercises precisely, and why those are important for our healthy life.
  2. How to overcome musculoskeletal disorders by Naturalization approach.
  3. How to improve physical abilities by Naturalization exercises.

Naturalization exercises involve all of the body parts and let them move with natural coordination. As you complete all of the exercises, you will retrieve natural body and movements.

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Tokyo seminar

Date: March 22, 2020
class 1: 10:00-11:30, class 2 11:30-13:00 class 3 14:00-15:30

Place: My Lesson Shinjuku C studio

Fee: private lesson 30,000 yen for one seminar

group lesson 20,000 yen for one person for one seminar

Entry qualification: Anyone

Kyoto seminar is always open at Jun Matsumoto Natural Therapy Office.

How to entry: Please send the information of your name and the course of your preference via email ivanivankov@yahoo.co.jp

I sincerely appreciate for your interest in Naturalization.

Jun Matsumoto


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